Plantar warts specialist in the Minnehaha County, SD: Sioux Falls (Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Renner, Ellis, Benclare, Buffalo Ridge, Rowena, Crooks, Corson) areas

Plantar Warts

If you notice small bumps around the heel or weight-bearing areas of your feet, you may have developed plantar warts. When the HPV virus enters the skin through an opening, such as a small cut or scrape, plantar warts can form and often cause discomfort. Some indicators that you have plantar warts include feeling pain in the soles of the feet when standing or walking and the formation of small fleshy growths, sometimes including a tiny black dot in the center of the bump.

To best prevent getting plantar warts, it’s advised to keep your hands and feet clean and wash them regularly. It’s also important to ensure you wear appropriate footwear in public areas such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and communal showers. Because plantar warts are contagious, it’s especially important for those with a weaker immune system to make sure they take the above precautions. If you believe you’ve developed plantar warts and are experiencing severe pain, swelling, redness, or bleeding, it’s advised to seek professional care.

For more information about plantar warts, we recommend you consult with Gabe Rodriguez, DPM for a proper diagnosis and advised treatment plan.

SWIFT Wart Treatment

Swift treatment for plantar warts in the Minnehaha County, SD: Sioux Falls (Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Renner, Ellis, Benclare, Buffalo Ridge, Rowena, Crooks, Corson) areas

Say goodbye to stubborn warts.

Say hello to SWIFT.

Treatment now available

Are you tired of dealing with pesky warts? We at Sioux Falls Foot Specialist are very excited to announce that we have a brand new and effective treatment for surface based skin lesions, primarily warts.

Plantar warts; a common and stubborn Viral Infection

“Plantar” means “Of the sole” in Latin. Unlike other types of warts, plantar warts are typically quite painful as the pressure from walking and standing forces them to grow into your skin. Like all warts, Plantar warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) virus, specifically types 1, 2, 4, 60, and 63. Underneath the skin, the wart can have finger-like roots that reach down and grow, making them very difficult to treat effectively from the surface.

The Wart Patient Frustration Zone - Treat With Swift

Microwave away your plantar warts

What is Swift?

Swift is a cutting edge, FDA Cleared technology that has proven to be highly effective in the removal of plantar warts. It delivers low dose microwave energy through a specialized probe that targets and effectively treats the underlying HPV virus by stimulating a natural immune response in the body. We like to say that we’re addressing the root cause; not the symptom.

What to Expect

Swift protocol involves between 3 and 4 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart; aligning with the body’s natural immune cycle. Each treatment lasts only 5-10 minutes and is what we call a “sock off - sock on” treatment: Limited debridement, no breaking of the skin, no bandages. No home treatment is required between treatments and patients are able to resume daily activities immediately post treatment.

How effective is Swift?

Due to Swift harnessing the power of the patient’s immune system to target the root cause of the wart (HPV), efficacy is significantly higher compared to other treatment methods. For more information on Swift and how it compares to traditional methods, visit Wart Treatment Info.

Does it hurt?

While pain is variable and patient/lesion specific, most patients typically feel some level of discomfort as infected tissue temperatures are rapidly elevated over a 2 second dose of energy. The pain immediately subsides following cessation of energy delivery and there is very limited post procedural pain, in fact some report an immediate reduction in pain levels. All patients are about to continue on with day-to-day activities immediately following treatment.

When you should come to see us

It’s important to visit a podiatrist if you suspect or feel that you have a plantar wart and are seeking removal. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more likely the wart is to persist. Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

SWIFT Therapy in the Minnehaha County, SD: Sioux Falls (Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Renner, Ellis, Benclare, Buffalo Ridge, Rowena, Crooks, Corson) areas

  • You may get the feeling of “painful pebbles” in your shoes.
  • You may experience pain when you compress the sides of the wart.
  • You may see a circular flat spot on the skin with a depressed area in the middle.
  • They may appear “yellowed” with a crust; small black dots can be an easy give away.
  • The lesion on your foot is painful, bleeding, or has changed color.
  • Treatments you have tried do not work, and the wart reoccurs or multiplies.
  • Discomfort that prevents you from doing regular activities.
  • Poor sensation in your feet.
  • You are unsure if the lesion is a wart.


What to do Next?

If you would like to (a) get rid of your warts and/or (b) explore Swift Treatment, please book a consultation with us either online or by calling us at (605) 988-8382.

SWIFT Wart Treatment in the Minnehaha County, SD: Sioux Falls (Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Renner, Ellis, Benclare, Buffalo Ridge, Rowena, Crooks, Corson) areas
Before SWIFT treatment
Plantar Warts treatment in the Minnehaha County, SD: Sioux Falls (Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Renner, Ellis, Benclare, Buffalo Ridge, Rowena, Crooks, Corson) areas
SWIFT treatment
SWIFT Therapy for warts in the Minnehaha County, SD: Sioux Falls (Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Renner, Ellis, Benclare, Buffalo Ridge, Rowena, Crooks, Corson) areas
After SWIFT treatment



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Advanced Podiatric Procedures & Services in the Sioux Falls, SD 57105 area